How Celebrities Can Help Revive your Brand

Mom jeans are officially back! Of course that’s only because the queen fashionista SJP says so! If Sarah Jessica Parker can bring Jordache jeans back into fashion, what can a celebrity do for your brand?

While bloggers, YouTubers, and social media stars are having a major moment with influencer marketing, it’s important to not forget about the celebrity side of influencer marketing. Everyday people are shown to be more relatable to customers, but celebrities still have a powerful reach and influence on consumers.

According to Convince and Convert, “A celebrity is no longer defined by how ‘famous’ they are, but instead by how motivated their target audience is.” Although consumers, look to everyday influencers for product reviews and suggestions, they still are interested in shopping and styling tips from vetted and loved celebrities.

Many of these adored celebrities are creating blogs and brands where they are nurturing their community by providing product reviews and life and style tips. Because of the longstanding trust and credibility that some of these celebrities have built, marketers are leveraging their influence to revive their brands.

This past June, Sarah Jessica Parker signed with Jordache to help revive their brand and collection sold at Wal-Mart. Jordache’s president Liz Berlinger described Sarah Jessica Parker as “an iconic celebrity with an iconic brand.” When a brand partners with a celebrity they have the opportunity to leverage the power of the celebrity’s brand as well.

Other bands that have used celebrities to revitalize their brands are Moschino with Katy Perry, and Superdry with Idris Elba. Using celebrities in your influencer marketing campaign is a great way to revive your presence in a saturated market.

LMS offers celebrity partnership brokering and celebrity seeding to connect brands and celebrities. Head on over to to learn how we can help you revive your brand with celebrity seeding.

Are you a startup company that wants to form a partnership with a celebrity? Well, look no further we at LMS are here to help!





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