Hubspot reports that email generates a 4200% return on investment.  SMS marketing has a 98% open rate, according to Kaleyra. Email & SMS marketing allows you to build relationships with your customers directly, in their inbox or on their phone, at a time that is convenient for them. Unlike social media where your relationship is controlled by the platform,  these valuable owned channels put you back in the driver’s seat.  You don’t have to worry about algorithms or feature beta testing, and the rising costs of ads.  Email & SMS brings your business directly to your community. 


Older methodologies of list building include adding sign-ups on your website, providing promo codes in exchange for an email and creating lead-generating offers.  But all of these tactics assume that the customer has already found you, and you just need to grab their contact before they go.  What about going out and finding that customer? Historically,  marketers have “bought” email lists before.  But this is the equivalent of a cold call; awkward, creepy and intrusive. There is definitely a better way. 


One of the most underutilized metrics of conversion for creator & influencer marketing is acquiring an email or SMS for your brand.  Creators & influencers put you in front of new but targeted audiences of potential customers.  They can educate the audience on your attributes.  And then they can invite the audience to learn more by signing up for email or SMS.  Creators & Influencers can even incentivize the sign-up using some of the old-school methodologies we mentioned above.  But the win here is that you are finding new customers.  Plus… the cost of acquiring an email or phone number is significantly less than acquiring a new customer on social.    If you know you have the potential for a 4200% ROI through email,  it’s a win-win! 

Here are a few ways to activate an influencer campaign for email & SMS acquisition:

  • Partner on a cross-promotion and do an exchange – they send a message to their list of followers about your brand, and you do the same in return. This way, both parties can grow their SMS lists quickly and simultaneously.
  • Have a creator or influencer host a giveaway that includes signing up via email or SMS and a chance to win YOUR product. The sense of urgency and fear of missing out plays an important role in urging people to take part in giveaways. 
  • Work with an influencer or creator to put out a webinar and have the influencer invite their followers.


  • You will want to create a landing page for your influencer & creator campaign.
  • Do your research on legal & compliance related to the sharing of emails & sms, giveaways, and opt ins.
  • You can have all the best customers on your email or sms list but you have to deliver them excellent content to make the sale!

Interested in having LMS help you build a creator & influencer marketing campaign for email & SMS acquisition?  Email us at

Denise Lambertson
Chairwoman + Founder at LMS, Managing Partner at Constellation Capital. Hailed by Forbes as the founder “changing the influencer marketing platform between celebrities and startups.”





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