Pop Quiz! Make the Grade with Instagram’s Newest Feature: the Quiz Sticker

While we’re in the midst of saying “thank u, next” to Instagram’s like counts a new sticker for Instagram Stories arrived! (drumroll please…)

So, what is it?

This new sticker, helpfully named “Quiz”, gives users the ability quiz their followers on everything from GoT trivia to fashion facts and more- functionally similar to both the questions and poll stickers.  These stickers allow you and your followers the chance to do more than just mindlessly tap through stories. They provide an opportunity to engage your followers and give them a fun reason to pay attention to your content. After all, everyone loves to share their opinion!

But with great, new features comes great, new challenges. How can we use this new tool to be both engaging and useful? The most obvious answer is to simply quiz your followers! Challenge them to answer questions about you and see how much they know. For those of you feeling the familiar tug of test anxiety, don’t worry, because if you can’t think of a question, the quiz sticker itself has a randomize function to help get you started!

One of the innovative features allows for customization and choice. You can use the quiz sticker to poll your followers when you have more than two choices available. And for the data nerds out there (you’re in good company – we love a good stat!) you can see the breakdown of people who responded to each choice. This will not only show you who is engaging with your stories, but  it will provide you with valuable insight into your audiences’ preferences. A little tip: the sticker will ask you to pick a “right” answer, so you may want to let you followers know before-hand if there is no correct answer.

For brands and business this may seem useless. However, you can do something similar! Ask followers the name of your brand’s founder, or the location of your headquarters. Then, follow up with the total answers and add some fun behind the scenes photos from the office. One-third of users on instagram want to see the people behind the product and feel more connected to a brand when they can interact with them. Adding a quiz about the “man behind the curtain” gives you a chance for engagement from both sides.

Invite collaboration.

Ask questions about the best ways to use a product, and the benefits of the ingredients you use. Engagement aside (said no marketer, ever) you can use quizzes as a litmus test to see if your brand’s messaging is coming across clearly to your audience.   If a lot of people are answering incorrectly, you know to refocus going forward!

Still not sure if you’re ready to stick with it? You may be thinking,”there are already so many ways to interact and engage with my followers;” and you would be right. AND, even though Instagram has never publicly said so, the app (ahem: algorithm) likes it when you use all of the features at your disposal, and tends to draw more people to your content.

Takeaways? Use the new sticker to keep people engaged in your stories and get your existing content in front of new eyes. Looking for feedback on a new SKU?  Unsure if you brand education is resonating? There’s a sticker for that 😉

Planning to use the new quiz sticker? How? Let us know in the comments below, shoot us an email, or slide into our DMs on social media!

Have other questions about Instagram or the wider world of influencer marketing? We can help! Check out our stats here. Intrigued? Drop us a line at imgame@wearelms.com.



Kristen Thomas
Kristen is a Marketing Support Specialist at LMS. She can usually be found reading, writing, researching, scrolling social media, and (in her down time) playing tabletop and video games. You know, just keep some variety.





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