Instagram: Where Everything is Made Up, and The Likes Don’t Matter

So it’s (more or less) official: Instagram is moving to hide the like counts on people’s posts. (cue mass hysteria, utter confusion, fits of styled + curated rage, and general shock and awe) But wait! Before jumping off the deep end into a data-less abyss, there are a few things you should know…

The Basics
Instagram is testing a new user interface where the like count is hidden for everyone except the creator. There is no publicly timeline for the roll out on this feature, just the not-so-quiet fear of influencers and marketers alike.

Instagram said of the changes, “We want your followers to focus on what you share, not how many likes your posts get. During this test, only the person who share a post will see the total number of likes it gets.”

But, but… what does it all mean?
Instagram is finally taking a stand by reaching through your screen to combat the mental illness brought on by an overly filtered, visually driven social platform.  By hiding the number of likes, Instagram is shifting our eyes back to content. And, if we’re moving to quality of content rather than fighting a never-ending popularity content for prom queen— or… #InstaKween— people and brands with something to say will end up on top. The best part? (as far as those of us outspoken-types are concerned) We are all being asked to think for ourselves ::gasp:: and make a decision: do I like this or not? Does this actually matter to me? Ultimately, Instagram is doing Gen Z a huge favor in helping pull them out of the crowded streets of sheeple and into the light.

Off with their heads?
Hold on there, kweeny. While some ::ahem, Jezebel:: may say we’re destroying the internet, we’d like to think otherwise. Just because they’re hiding your like count doesn’t mean your favorite influencer will come toppling down. On the contrary, this will give both companies and influencers the ability to connect with their real audience: the followers who actually share their values and points of view, and are more likely to convert to valued customers.  We believe that this will create a more honest picture of popularity, engagement, and (hopefully) build a landscape of innovation, personal investment, and help reshape the social economy into a true reflection of the global populus.

But… data… and reporting!!!
Yes, we currently put a lot of stock into the number of likes a piece of content gets – however, that metric will still be available to the creator on the backend.  The biggest change? You won’t be able to compare the number of likes between competitors.

So, how will we measure success?
Good question… Engagement rates are likely to increase as there is no instant judgement from friends and followers on Instagram for liking an image.  It will be a true test of our ability to create, maintain, and innovate new, truly viral content.

The Takeaway?


Kristen Thomas
Kristen is a Marketing Support Specialist at LMS. She can usually be found reading, writing, researching, scrolling social media, and (in her down time) playing tabletop and video games. You know, just keep some variety.





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