Super Influencer Spotlight: 5 Influencers Who Give Us Serious Travel Envy

The prospect of exotic food, beautiful sights, unfamiliar faces and languages fascinate us – and definitely serve as a good escape from our desk work. Whether you’re planning a trip, love to learn about foreign places to visit, or are simply looking for a way to spice up your Instagram feed, these travel blogs are definitely worth a read.

These travel pros are living proof that you don’t need a permanent address to be a successful influencer. Major props to them for balancing world travel, capturing captivating content, and being badass entrepreneurs through product promotion and brand deals. Reader beware: these accounts will give you some serious wanderlust!

1. Linda’s World’s Affair

A mixture of the chicest fashion and places, this blog blends the typical fashion-influencer aesthetic with incredible locations. Linda’s World Affair features lots of beautiful ocean views, delicious food, and the trendy outfits she wears while capturing it all. We’re not gonna lie, Linda gives us major cool-girl vibes, and it’s pretty impossible to not envy her feed. Better yet, her Instagram and blog have a super authentic feel. Rarely does she post branded content, and when she does, it’s never in-your-face marketing, but rather, genuine love for a brand that she’s wearing. Linda focuses mainly on the beautiful vistas and stunning cityscapes of her travels, but you’ll find her smiling face in nearly every post – living out our travel fantasies!

2. Anna Everywhere

As the name implies, Anna has been everywhere. And, if she hasn’t been yet, it’s on her list of upcoming adventures! She’s worked with many respected travel and fashion brands, including Flydubai, W Hotels, Louis Vuitton and several tourism boards, making her an expert in influencer travel marketing. Anna has taken her vast knowledge and designed a blogging course with The Jetsetter Diaries to teach others how to follow in her footsteps. Give her a follow for beautiful scenery, architecture and unexpected places!

3. The Blonde Abroad

This award winning travel blogger has been to over 70 countries since starting her traveling journey in 2011. Her travel diary is a visual love letter to her favorite foods, cultures, nightlife, history and everything in between. This blonde works for tourism boards, hotels, travel partners and airlines, and she’s generous with coupon codes — so give her a follow if traveling is in your future! And if you’ve caught the travel bug, and are looking to break into the travel industry, she’s a great resource, as she actually provides marketing consulting for those interested in embarking on their own world tour.

4. A Backpacker’s Tale

Steven’s blog is all about affordable, easy travel. And just like his blog, his insta feed is clear and easy to follow with its colorful and crisp high quality photos from all over Europe and Asia. He’s got awesome destination guides, travel resources, and backpack gear outlined on his blog to help guide your latest travel plans. Hoping to save some money?  He gives great suggestions, like how to redeem airbnb coupon codes! Give Steven a follow if your heart is after some incredible photos of the world.

5. David’s Been Here

David’s Been Here follows the journey of travel content creator, David, as he (you’ve probably guessed it!) travels the world. David has been to over 70 countries, and has been named one of the Top 10 Best Travel Videographers by USA Today. His clients include tourism boards and Guinness Beer – no matter the product, if it resonates with his beliefs and sparks his interest, he is sure to promote it in an impressive light. Check out David’s Instagram for eye-catching photos of awesome places and drool-worthy food!

If, like us, you’ve now got travel on the brain, and are suffering from a serious case of Wanderlust, these influencers will make you green with envy, and hopefully spark your imagination along the way. By creating amazing content and sharing travel discounts and opportunities, these travel influencers are able to make their world, and yours more colorful and connected! They’ve mastered the art of traveling for a living (we promise, it’s not all Mai-Tais and Mykonos) and are blazing a trail for those looking to follow in their footsteps.

The next time you’re looking to plan a trip, or even just escape your cubicle by letting your mind wander where you can’t , check out these travel feeds for breathtaking views, decadent dishes, and places you’ve never imagined!






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