The 411 on Instagram’s New Updates

Drum Roll Please

For the last few years, we haven’t noticed any major changes to Instagram – except for the explore page and stories feature. The simple interface of the app is one we have grown to know and love without the need to adapt to new updates frequently. 2018 is Instagram’s year for change. We’re talking a lot of changes here, seriously. From interface optimizations to enhancements to existing features to the introduction of entirely new features, be prepared for some major improvements.

We’ve got the insider scoop on the latest improvements and what to expect soon. Check it out:

Anti-Bully Feature: As part of an initiative to limit offensive comments, Instagram announced in the beginning of May that it is adding a new filter that will filter-out comments meant to harass or bully users. Additionally, the filter will hide comments that attack a user’s appearance or character, alerting Instagram about repeat offenders.

Image Via Instagram

Video Chat: In an expansion to the messaging feature, Instagram users will be able to video chat one another on the platform. Unlike the popular Facetime, Instagram’s video chat is set to enable more than two users to video conference at one time.

Image Via TechCrunch

Topic Channels: The Explore page on Instagram will be redesigned to organize content into specific topics, like food, fashion, or travel. These topic channels will enable users to focus on their personal interests and hobbies by viewing more tailored content.

Image Via FossBytes

Story Sharing: Instagram stories will soon be able to be shared directly from third party apps, like Spotify. This will enable users to share things like Go-Pro footage or Spotify song stickers directly to their Instagram story.

Image Via FossBytes

AR Camera Effects: In the latest development, users will be able to take photos and videos with virtual effects in the frame (for example, a cartoon character dunking a basketball). Developers will be able to create their own effects and users can choose from a library of effects as well as try out effects used in other stories that they like.

Image Via Cnet

Hashtags and Links in Profile: A recent update enables hashtags and links to other profiles to be active in users’ biographies. (Finally!) This is a great way to link to sister profiles or sponsored sites as well as publicize your involvement with communities through hashtags.

Scan Codes: Much like the Snapchat codes that users can scan to add each other as friends, Instagram will be releasing their own version of QR Codes. Users can create their code with unique images (such as photos and emoji stickers) that people can scan with their Stories feature to follow you, rather than typing in an account name.

Image Via AdEspresso

Time to Face The Change (Changes):

Well, there’s certainly a lot happening here on Instagram. From a re-designed Explore page, to camera and video features to an Anti-Bully Filter (woo-hoo) Instagram is truly stepping-up its game. These improvements will help users stay connected and integrate their Instagram with other platforms, like Spotify, making it easier to share what they love.

Need help boosting your social media game? Want to utilize the new features on Instagram to grow your brand? Let the experts help! Contact us at and check out our blog for more helpful tips.





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