What’s In Our Beach Bag? Products You Need to Stay Cool This Summer

Summer is heating up, and all we can think about are ways to keep cool and innocently indulge when we find ourselves with time to unwind. Healthy snacks and incredible products to pamper our bodies and minds are popping up everywhere, and we know it can be hard to choose what to try! At LMS, we work with and admire some amazing companies with pretty stellar products. Here, we’ve narrowed down our favorites that you need to try this summer. Tip – you may need a really big beach bag. #sorrynotsorry

A Good Book, Like Beautiful Bodies: The best way to wind-down in the summer is to kick your feet up and enjoy a good book. Whether you choose something fictional, educational, or whatever you find interesting, make it your goal to read at least one book this summer! We recommend Beautiful Bodies by Kimberly Rae Miller for an inspiring, funny, and relatable read.

Beanfields Bean Chips: Is anyone else absolutely addicted to munching on chips on the beach? Beanfields chips are a deliciously crunchy, flavorful snack that leaves you feeling full and satisfied. Chock-full of plant-based protein and fiber, they’re the perfect sea-side snack that won’t ruin your beach bod. Ps. If Doritos are usually your chip of choice, you will love this healthier, just as tasty alternative.

Hippeas Puffs: Another munchy snack, because isn’t food the best part of vacation anyway?! Hippeas organic chickpea puffs are just about the hap(pea)iest snack around. Just looking at the bright yellow bag makes you feel all warm and sunny inside. So naturally, they are a perfect summer snack. Yummy puffs, packed with flavor and happiness. Kids love them, adults love them, errrbody love them.

Kopari Coconut Products: Nourish your skin and keep that gorgeous glow going with 100% organic coconut oil based products from Kopari. The sun is no match for the kiss of moisture their body glow oil or coconut melt will give your skin. Whether lounging by the pool or Netflixin’ on your couch, Kopari will have you feeling like a glowing Hawaiian goddess.

Snow Monkey Vegan Ice Treat: At the end of your beach day, keep cool with this delicious fruit-based frozen ice-cream alternative. Snow Monkey is filled with tons of natural ingredients that keep you full and fueled. Plus, it’s the perfect refreshing treat on a hot day! We can’t promise you won’t want to eat the whole pint, but we can promise you won’t feel guilty if you do..

Well, there ya have it! Those are our must-have, treat yo’self products for the summer. What else are you guys packing?


What's in Our Beach Bag? We Are LMS Blog





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