5 Ways To HACK Your Content Marketing Results


Content marketing is effective, increases traffic and often done completely wrong. It sounds simple, write content, share on social media, optimize for search engines and let the traffic and back-links roll in. Nope. That may have worked 5 years ago before the phrase “ inbound marketing” became a thing. Now there are over 2 million blog posts written each day with everyone trying to climb ahead of the competition. Make sure your content has the edge needed to go viral with the five growth hacks below!



People aren’t reading like they used to. 80% of people only read headlines. In order to entice the other 20% you’ve gotta make the title as irresistible as your content.

  • Consider SEO when writing titles for your blog site and get more creative when sharing on social media
  • Incite curiosity, but don’t fulfill it!
  • Exaggerate, be useful and a little unusual.



While most of us have no time for 2 thousand word blog posts, they actually perform better than shorter blogs.

  • Buzzsumo did the math and found that the longer the post, the more shares it gets.
  • Most blogs that rank in the top ten search results are above 2000 words.

5 WAYS TO HACK YOUR CONTENT MARKETING RESULTSIf you don’t have the time or resources to write a lot of 2,000 word articles you can alter your current content strategy to achieve this. If you currently publish three blogs per week try dialing it back to two blogs below two thousand words and spend a little more time writing a longer one. Instead of 12 blogs per month you can cut it to 8 short articles and 2 long articles.If you write a great article, optimize it for search engines and spend a little more time fleshing out those details, you can expect great positioning and more shares! Who doesn’t love increased traffic?


Find your voice. Behind every corporate blog is an analytics dashboard showing stagnation. When you connect with your readers they will connect with you. Third person is a no-no. It just removes the personal element from your writing.

  • Develop your voice or your brand’s voice
  • Read successful authors and blogs
  • Write, write and write some more to build your skill and confidence

Don’t overload it with keywords. Google’s site crawling bots don’t even want to read a lazy attempt to increase search engine positioning by forcing keywords where they don’t belong. This is a surefire way to get dinged by the search engine and keep readers away.

Keep in mind your buyer persona when writing. What kind of person is looking for this information? How do they communicate? These questions will help you know how to tweak your writing style for the persona at hand. Not everyone knows how ‘lit’ influencer marketing is, maybe they only know how ‘smashing’ it is.



You’ve got the goods, don’t be stingy! There are hundreds of great outlets that offer users a place to share and discover content. But wait, there’s more! You can use these communities to find link share and guest blogging opportunities. By following other users, sharing their content and posting quality content you can foster great relationships that skyrocket your content to the top.

  • Our favorite sites are inbound.org, growthhacker.com, bizsugar.com and medium.com
  • The best sites allow you to post a short summary and link directly to your site. This allows you to receive a click back to your site rather than the content living on the site.
  • Post to these sites earlier in the week and optimize your titles.
  • Wait a week after publishing before syndicating content. This gives search engines a chance to crawl your site and attribute the original content to you.
  • Syndicating content on the same day can cause search engines to question if the content is plagiarized and have to guess which is the original source.5 Ways To HACK Your Content Marketing Results_ Xzibit meme


Get creative. Find cool ways to bridge the gap on what’s happening in the world with what’s happening in your industry.

  • Food brands could talk about how celebrities like Ayesha Curry and Olivia Wilde are getting in on the fun. Ayesha started her own food delivery start-up and Olivia Wilde recently entered into a partnership with Runa.
  • Media companies could cover Lebron James’ new tv show or the funny yet sad Peyton Manning post-retirement commercials.

These methods increase readers, shares and the likelihood that people will actually finish the article.

Don’t forget to end every post with a call to action to to help readers further! Like this: for more great information or to learn more about influencer marketing services from LMS check us out here.





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