A “Meat”-ing of the Meats: Plant-Based Meats Take Root in the Food Industry

Tofurkey, Chik’n, seitan, bean burgers… it seems meatless meat is everywhere. Grocery stores, restaurants and meal services alike are expanding their offerings to cater to plant-based diets (or tendencies) and consumers are eating it up. With the recent launch of Burger King’s Impossible Whopper (which advertises 100% Whopper, 0% beef), as well as other restaurants such as Qdoba, Del Taco, and maybe even Taco Bell bringing their own mock-meat options to a drive thru near you, it looks like herbivores are going to have a lot more eatery options soon! Meatless meats are not a new thing, by any stretch. Vegans and vegetarians have been eating them for several decades, and meat substitutes have been present in many cultures going as far back as, at least, 206 BCE in China.

Source: Impossible Foods

So, why now? Did meat change? Did we change? Are plants just super trendy and irresistible in all forms?

Well, yes to all, actually. The rise of plant-based foods is probably not due to the popularity of Buddhism this time (see: China above). Instead, changes in both the marketing of plant-based meat, and an increase in climate and animal welfare conscious consumers is largely to blame. Let’s explore why and how these new plant-based meats are taking root in society.


First Principal of Capitalism: Competition

You might think that those who eat meat and those who eat plant-based meat would be two separate groups. #Nope. Recent studies show that 86% of the people buying meat alternatives are people who also eat meat. WHAT?! Talk about a huge consumer market! Gone are the days where only vegetarians are buying soy burgers. The opportunity for companies (including those in meat production) to capitalize on this consumer base is huge, and many brands are already taking advantage. Across the (cutting) board, there are more choices for all consumers and more competition for companies. What’s good for the goose (aka not dying), is good for the economy. That’s how that saying goes, right?


As companies expand and new products come on the market, mock-meat options seem endless. Check out your local grocery store’s fresh and freezer section, and you’re guaranteed to find multiple enticing options to fit all diet, health and cultural needs. As we’ve become more aware of the various ways certain foods affect people, the need for diverse options has become increasingly important. Some people are incredibly sensitive to the hormones used in meat production, while others are sensitive to soy and gluten, which can be heavily featured in meat alternatives. Some don’t eat certain meats for religious reasons, while others simply think pigs are too stinkin’ cute. Having a bevy of choices means that anyone can find options that are best for their lifestyle.


Size Matters

Animals may have small feet, but they’ve got a big ‘ole footprint.

Another reason many are turning to plant-based meats is the increased awareness around climate change. More Americans now believe that climate change is a real thing than ever before (isn’t that ‘UGE news?!), and feel personally responsible to help offset its acceleration. One way people having started to combat climate change is consuming less meat.

Why is that? Well, according to recent studies, livestock alone contributes 15% of total greenhouse gases emitted on earth. That’s a lot to just come from animals. In order to help cut down on the number of livestock present and reduce the meat industry’s carbon footprint, many people are opting to start including plant-based options into their weekly dinner schedules. (I see you Meatless Mondays). But, wait. How does eating less meat help cut down the number of animals on the planet? It cuts the demand – this is a long-game effort. The less demand for meat, the theory goes, the less animals being raised specifically for slaughter. Meat companies won’t raise more meat than they can sell.

As more restaurants start including meat alternatives on their menus, the positive impact will only gain momentum, and hopefully sometime in the future we’ll all breathe a little easier (literally).

In addition to caring about the environment, people also really love animals (be honest, how many cute animal accounts do you follow?). Today, people are more likely to show empathy and connection with animals, including pets, livestock and those in the wild. The higher you score on animal empathy, the more likely you are to care about animal welfare. We live in a time of fresh, organic, refrigerated dog food now, so yeah, we clearly care about animals. There’s also a growing trend of people wanting to know where their food comes from and it how it’s made. Both of these factors have led to people being more concerned with the care of animals raised for meat production.


Have Your Meat and Eat it, too.

I’m sure you’re thinking: but doesn’t the move to more plant-based meats mean that traditional meat producers suffer? Well, no, actually, it doesn’t.

While more and more people are incorporating meat alternatives into their diet, it doesn’t mean they’re cutting out meat altogether. For some, nothing can replace a good, greasy, full-fat burger, and don’t even begin to F’ up their perfectly tender cut of filet. Meat has always and will always be eaten – it’s a fact of life. However, the meatless trend is opening new doors for meat production companies. These brands can lean into meat alternatives and invest in producing their own meat-free options.

Many consumers are looking for the most meat-like options when it comes to plant-based proteins. A veggie burger that tastes like veggies isn’t going to satisfy a carnivore. This mindset offers an immense opportunity for meat production companies because who would you rather have making you a fake steak? A vegan company run by people who’ve never enjoyed a fatty rib-eye, or those in the meat industry who work with quality meats day in and day out? Imma go with the meat peeps, how about you? If these companies work with developers to imitate the taste their customers already know and love, then they have a ready-made consumer base eager to purchase ALL of their products, and a bonus new audience of herbivores.

Who are we to talk about the trajectory of the food industry? We are LMS and we market the heck out of some amazing food companies. Check out some of our stats and example work with our meaty clients, below.

So What Does This All “Meat”?

It means foodies of all diets and preferences can rejoice because even more quality, tasty #nomnom options are headed our way. Science continues to find opportunities to feed our appetite for economical, humane and healthy food production and it’s not just a trend. Having a more conscious outlook towards our consumption is change for the better, and we ain’t never goin’ back.

Nice to meat you! We’re LMS and we love working with (and eating) food. We’ve got a long history of success marketing tasty goods and we’re always hungry for more. Give us a shout and let’s discuss how we can help your brand can take a bite out of the food industry! www.wearelms.com <- click that. It’s a pretty cool slice of the interweb.



Kristen Thomas
Kristen is a Marketing Support Specialist at LMS. She can usually be found reading, writing, researching, scrolling social media, and (in her down time) playing tabletop and video games. You know, just keep some variety.





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