How To Build Meaningful Brand-Influencer-Consumer Relationships On Instagram

Meaningful relationships.  Passionate advocates. Authentic content.  Organic growth.  

If you work in marketing, chances are those buzzwords are elusive ideals imprinted on your brain.  (If you don’t work in marketing, give us a call, and enjoy the gifs – we gotchu.) The release of Instagram’s new Chat sticker in Stories could be the tool we’ve long awaited to establish the “perfect” brand-influencer-consumer ecosystem… Or at least a really great tool to build stronger community connections, have meaningful conversations, share exclusive content – you know, the small stuff 😉

As a result of F8, Facebook is making a concerted effort to focus on community building, and it is clear that those efforts have spilled over onto Instagram’s platform.  The new Chat sticker is designed to allow brands/influencers to participate in real (live) chats – it’s like IG Live with text! 

It is a clear response to the overall rise in messaging use across various social apps (and get a leg up on the competition, as Snapchat is reportedly working on its own version of a group chat sticker). 

Do we need another sticker?



Short answer: yes.

Longer answer: Until now, conversations on stories were facilitated through the question sticker, more of a survey-style interaction than human conversation. There was also the option of streaming live video through Instagram Live where you (the brand/influencer) could speak to your followers, but very little conversation was had (the majority of “conversational” IG Live streams were AMAs rather than actual group conversations.) The Chat sticker bridges the gap and acts like a group chat on Facebook – with up to 31 (approved by you) of your followers. 



Let’s see how easy it is to use… 

Using the Chat Sticker

Create your Instastory as per usual— upload an image, take a picture in the app, or use the text only function. 

Add any additional text, GIFs, or other stickers 

Add the Chat sticker


Tap the sticker icon on the top-right corner of your screen and select “Chat”

Share your story

Once followers tap “Request to Join Chat” you’ll be sent a notification allowing your to accept or deny the request. 

  • Up to 32 people can participate in the chat (including the host account)
  • With the ability to review accounts requesting to join, you can make sure that those participating fit the target demographic parameters of your chat

All Aboard the Idea Train!


So now that you know how to use the sticker, you need a why.

1. Giveaways

Let your followers know that you’ll be opening an Instastory Chat sometime on day x – so keep checking back for a chance to enter!  Depending on your chosen time limit, you not only increase the urgency and exclusivity of the giveaway, but, you increase traffic by leaving the actual “drop time” a mystery.

It can be a simple first come, first serve, click to win, or you can add stipulations like, “only followers will be considered,” or “click for the chance to answer trivia to win,” etc.

2. Location

If you’re hosting an event, opening a new store, launching a new product line, or just trying to pick up interest in a certain geographic area, Story Chats could be a great way to get the ball rolling!

3. Promo

Influencers, Brands, Affiliates, anyone with the keys to the kingdom (::ehem:: access to promo codes and discounts) Story Chat is a great way to limit the number of codes shared – and get more of a throughline on purchasing.

4. Focus Group

What a great opportunity to get honest customer feedback and insights! Instastory Chats will provide more qualitative insights about products and services. 

pro tip: double up! Try targeting different geographic locations in separate stories to get a broad view and more accurate representation of your consumer base.

5. Exclusive Opportunities/ Programs

Reach out to a specific group of people (hint: close friends list) through a private story.  If you share an Instastory featuring the Chat sticker to a close friends list, only those on the list will see the story and have the opportunity to join the chat.  

Brands: this can be used to inform key influencers of an upcoming product launch, affiliate opportunity, or event invitations.  

Influencers: this can be a great way to let your fav brand partners know of rate changes, upcoming travel plans, life events, or other potential partnership opportunities. 

Ready to Chat?

So are we!

If you’re up for chatting about this new sticker, want to learn more about how to integrate it into your omnichannel marketing strategy (wink wink), or just want to nerd out with some bad puns and ideas so crazy they just might work, give us a call!

Ashley Oliveira
Ashley Oliveira, Creative Manager at LMS and proud (loud) New Englander, is usually researching, reading, digging for data, or pushing the limits of creativity with too many puns, sarcasm, & sass. Outside of LMS, Ashley uses her creativity to scream classical music over orchestras, or cook for herself, her husband, & the 40 people not coming to dinner.





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