Marketing Friday: Sharing Our Round Up of Industry News





You’ve Got Mail – Subscription services and why we can’t get enough

Yep, there’s a box for that. From monthly socks and razors, to exclusive wines and prepped meals, to pet toys, sex toys and even ‘geek...

How Big and Small Fashion Labels Use Influencers to Drive Sales

As influencer marketing continues to evolve and mature, it is becoming more effective than ever before. Brands are utilizing data and engagement statistics, rather...

10 Ways to be a Successful Social Media Influencer

So you want to be a better influencer? Step one, read this! Influencers have it all. They have committed followers, the perfect photo filters, get...

Why your startup needs Influencer marketing

In today's business world, influencer marketing is the ultimate buzzword. Once thought of as a tool for the fashion & beauty industry,  Influencer Marketing...

Demystifying Digital Ads, Part 2

  The digital ad space can feel overwhelming and complicated. What kind of ad do you use? Why should you consider running ads on social...